Sunday, December 18, 2011

Summer Camp.

For all of you who have worked as a camp counselor or in some fashion at a camp like environment, I don’t even need to explain this one.  But for those of you who were doing “responsible” things in college, like summer school or internships, or jobs that actually paid money, I will.  Summer camp is AWESOME.  And even more awesome if you’re single.  Working at a summer camp is like being on a different planet.  It feels like the rest of the world does not exist.  This is a good thing.  UNLESS the rest of the world includes a significant other.  Then you have to explain to them how you are having the best summer of your life without them there.  You’re stuck in this weird time continuum with amazing new friends and only two months to relish in your current situation.  There’s always something to do, and cell phone service is never great.  It’s the one time in your life, not getting a call/text/voicemail is a legit excuse and not just a lie to get out of something.  

A major reason to be single at camp is summer romances, which are just crazy and fast and confusing and wonderful and terrible all in one.  But even if you’ve sworn off dating for the summer (The people I find who do that are always the ones with the MOST prospects. Maybe I’ll try that next summer to see if it works...) who wants to spend an entire summer not making new friends, and then breaking up with their other half when school starts again anyway?  Not fun.  You’ve just wasted a great two months of getting to know people and getting to know yourself.  And what do you have?  Not a boyfriend and not getting inside jokes at reunion.  There’s time for serious relationships in the summer once you’re too old and creepy to be hanging around the first year staffers anyway (you know who you are).

Note:  This still applies to all-girl/guy camps.  Those places don’t have good cell phone service either; and have tons of cool people to become friends with.  Spending your whole summer on the phone is never fun.

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