Saturday, December 10, 2011


I have a problem.  It’s called back leading.  Multiple of my male friends can vouch for this.  In my defense, if guys were a little more assertive I wouldn’t have to do anything. But I’m a control freak, I love to dance, and bitch you better freaking twirl me.  If you can’t, any hottness you have just went down at least two levels.  So then why, you may ask, is dancing better when you’re single?  Because if for some reason your fate is destined to be with someone who can’t dance, for now you don’t have to worry about it. You can play “tired” when that awkward guy who steps on your toes asks you to the floor.  Or you can just use the whole back-leading technique as a way to flirt and assert yourself.  (It doesn’t really work, when you tell a guy to step up his man-hood, I find it rarely works.  Then again what guy wants to force a girl to give him control?)  The hand holding and stumbling can provide the opportunity to get over the touch barrier as well as time for small talk.  And there are a few guys (may I emphasize few) whose cuteness and charm can overcome blundering on the dance floor.  Like many things, dancing just takes practice.  And I’m willing to release the reigns for someone who will put in the work.

Note:  This does not apply to booty dancing.  For all you old folks out there, despite what evolution and the survival of the species should suggest, there are some dudes who CAN NOT do the bump and grind.  On second thought, I guess sexual selection does suggest this...  

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