Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Reasons to stay single in high school.

I wasn’t a huge fan of high school, but for some reason I have a desire to relive my angsty years by working with teenagers.  So lonely youth of America, keep your heads up.  Here are some reasons to be happy if you’re single.

1. You don’t have to worry about realizing whoever your crush of the week is in reality a total dud.  Because most of them are.  And not many relationships they start in high school work out once you graduate.  (Cheers to the recently wedded Braswells, they are 1 in 1,000,000.)  Chances are you’ll break up and be embarrassed at how “totally awesome” you thought that person was.  Your friends DEFINITELY will never let you forget it.
2. You’ll have lots of friends.  Some high school couples balance friends and relationship well, but many don’t.  And those times with your bros or your girls will be way more memorable and have a higher likelihood of sticking around than that totally hot kid in math class.
3. Dealing with 16 year old boys: xbox, wii, cod, bodily noises, “Do we have to talk?” shoulder shrug, Transformers
4. Dealing with 16 year old girls: “Looooooooooooooove me”, Prom, Prom, Prom, "what are you thinking about?", hearing about Taylor Lautner, 10,000 texts a day
5. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”
7. Prom.  Girls, just go with your friends.  It’ll be easier and less stressful.  95% of guys would rather be playing video games anyway.
8. Getting good grades.  When you have  tons of homework and 100 extracurriculars, there’s no time for relationships.  But it’s worth it.  Working hard in high school gets you into a good college where the dating pool is 100 times better.  Hypothetically.  That’s what your parents will tell you and it’s true as long as you check out the girl:guy ratio before you enroll.  Why didn’t I want to be an engineer?  #liberalartsproblems
9. Being just friends with the opposite sex is great.  I have some awesome guy friends from high school.  And unlike all the guys I tried to date, they’re still around.  Pro: reliving high school memories.  Con: reliving high school memories.
10. Everyone needs their suffering years (at least, that’s what  I learned from the movie Little Miss Sunshine) and if you never experience being single, you miss a lot of suffering.  The ability to connect to [insert emo band here] will make you a lot of friends in the future.

Admittedly, I wasn’t single by choice in high school, and I actually liked video games and star wars.   Darn you highschool-crush-i-would-never-actually-pursue-in-adulthood.  But looking back, I’m really happy with the way things went, even if at the time it sucked.

*Note: some of this reasonsing also applies to college, or as I like to refer to it, extended adolescence.

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