Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The friend that gets engaged before you.

Everyone has someone they expected to engaged before. Don’t try to deny it, you know it’s true. That awkward kid in high school that always answered everything right in math /history/everysingle class, and you just sat there thinking “I’ll definitely get married before him/her.” Now thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, you know that said personyou dubbed as a social outcast is happily engaged while you’re sitting home alone, with four roommates, three cats, or your parents. You can’t believe someone as cool as yourself is getting beat down the aisle. But don’t stress, you’ve still got time. And during time, keeps these things in mind.

There’s someone out there cooler than you. Shocking, I know. Personally I’m in denial of this fact 95% of the time. But remember, whatever you’re feeling toward your awkward friend, someone is going to feel about you. I know that no matter how awesome I think I am, when I get married in roughly 10 years (fingers crossed), someone will be shocked that this force of crazy found someone willing to say “I do.” So humble yourself. Because your awkward friend has someone even more awkward than them, and you are that awkward friend to someone else. It’s the The Circle of (social) Life.

They’re doing you a favor. When other people get engaged, you should congratulate them, no matter how weird you think they are or bitter you’re feeling that day. They’re really helping you out by weeding out the dating pool for you. All your friends getting engaged are probably marrying people you wouldn’t want to date anyway. So by taking them off the market, they’re helping you avoid potential failed relationships. Whew. Be genuinely excited for all of these betrothals, even if it’s purely out of selfish reasons.

So to all of those getting engaged, congrats! And never fear, I know there’s no one as awkward as I am, so the fact that anyone I’ve ever known has found the one is no surprise to me. Plus, I tend to surround myself with socially apt, wonderful people. Is this a reflection of my charm and interpersonal skills? I’d like to think so, but lbr, I’m more a reflection of my lovely friends than they are of me. 

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