Friday, June 29, 2012

The Fourth of July.

The fourth of July and New Year’s Eve are two of my favorite holidays.  Sure, Christmas and Thanksgiving are great family holidays, but the f of J and NYE are for friends.  I love the traditions that have emerged in my life around these two events.  NYE has become a point of reuniting with my college friends and the fourth of july for my summer camp friends.  Although both groups of friends are very treasured, there are a few reasons why the Fourth of July is a great day as an eligible bachelorette.

It’s Summer.  This means swimsuits, sun dresses, polos.  Flip flops and the pool.  Tans.  Plus, fireworks on a summer night are way better than fireworks in thirty degree weather.

Dancing.  So at my camp the fourth always involves a dance.  And not a “back that...up,” inappropriate, you wouldn’t want your parents to see you, kind of dance.  One where you swing your partner (not in a country western fashion) and promenade.  The guys actually have to have rhythm (or a girl who knows how to back lead).  For once, I get to be twirled and feel like a lady. It’s my yearly reminder that chivalry is not 100% dead.

No pressure to kiss.  Why do people kiss at midnight on NYE?  Woooohooo it’s a new year, let’s make out?  More importantly, why does everyone not in a relationship feel like they have to find someone to kiss?  If I don’t know you, I really don’t want you up in my face.  No thanks.  So I really appreciate the fact I can enjoy a holiday without any pressure of gift giving or PDA.  But then again, if I feel inspired by freedom or the pursuit of happiness, I’m not going to fight it.

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