Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Deal Breakers.

When you are seriously considering your compatibility with someone, you have to overlook some things.  You decide what is most important; you have a list in your head of things you won’t waver on, and then things you’ll excuse when one result means losing a loved one.  For example, for some people it’s religion, for others it’s your opinion about Star Wars.  However, when you aren’t seriously considering anyone, the list can be as rigid and as long as you want.  There are some things I don’t really care about: most of the time.  But if you catch me at a particular time of the month and tell me you are a vanilla person, I will never want to date you. Ever.  Even if I run into you at a different time of the month, that memory will stick.  I’ll look at you and all I will be able to think is “chocolate hater” even if you save little bunnies and want to adopt orphans.  Don’t even try to buy me chocolate, because you hate it and you are the devil.  

Bow ties are another thing I decide how I feel about on a daily basis.  As a general rule, they are a deal breaker.  They make you look stupid and like a tool.  But 75% of the time I’m only saying this to maintain my so called “hippie” reputation.  I can’t admit I actually like bow ties on a select few guys whose liberalness outweighs their frattiness.  Now, being a gay hater (which has a high positive correlation with bow tie wearing and hence my overall skepticism), is always a deal breaker (I can not emphasize always enough).  I accept that this makes me a deal breaker for homophobes, but at least the feeling’s mutual.  The only challenge to allowing your dealbreakers to change with the winds and be untterly ridiculous, is you may end up always being single with a long list of unrealistic standards and expectations.  I highly doubt there is a guy out there who likes chocolate, equality, running, unc, mountains, harry potter, the avett brothers, religious humor, kids, psychology, presbyterians and jon stewart as much as I do.  

But for now it’s all or none. Depending on my mood (and if I’ve watched the notebook recently).


  1. I think I am going to start keeping a tally of how many times you reference The Notebook in this blog....=)
    ps you are awesome and THIS is awesome.

  2. I may or may not have a written list entitled "Non-Negotiables and Negotiables." And it may be long...very long. Love this.
