Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Deciding it's not You, it's Him.

So for those of you who don’t know what it’s like to be single for a long ass time, it gets lonely.  You start to wonder, what is wrong with me?  Do I have consta-spinach in my teeth?  Am I really that ugly?  Do I need new shoes? Is it my personality?  Am I not as funny as I think I am? (HA, that can’t be it).  If I’m questioning one thing one day, the next day it's something else.  But then after beating myself up because imaginary guys aren’t asking me out, I have a conversation with a real life, breathing one and realize, it’s not me, it’s them.  I’m single because I have this thing called STANDARDS.  And middle school flirting isn’t going to cut it anymore.  No, it’s not funny to mock my interests, beliefs, women’s rights or make comments that GO AGAINST SCIENTIFIC FACTS.  And yes, although your sarcasm and wit were initially charming it would be nice to have a serious conversation every once in a while.  Is depth too much to ask for?

Disclaimer:  I 100% recognize that 95% of my problem is because of some twisted sick attraction I have to males who are emotionally unavailable and unable of communication.  Eventually I’ll find one that is appropriately in touch with his emotions and wants to talk about his feelings (World, don’t crush my dreams yet).  I also realize that calling someone an asshole (even when he’s being one) isn’t a good way to attract ‘em.  But you take what you dish out right?  At least that’s what Buddhism and a cycle of defensive, closed off relationships have taught me.

Circle of Life.

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