Friday, December 16, 2011

Not Going on Dates.

Okay, dating is fun, but let’s be real, for the most part the concept has been killed by the hook-up culture of our generation (and some of you were thinking I wasn’t smart).  And I guess there is the argument, that you can be single and casually dating, but it happens so rarely (I know it’s not just me, I have prettier and less awkward friends in the same predicament) it is more times than not a stressful experience.  If you’re not just drinking and making out at a bar/party/after late night quesadillas (which is not how I plan to start a relationship), there is the underlying assumption you are trying to be serious.  And that is stressful. Do you say what you want upfront? Do you risk scaring him away?  What if he doesn’t ask you out immediately for date two?  Who pays?  When do you have to decide what you want?  I know too many people who dtr (or define the relationship for you old folks) way too early.  (Like before they’ve even made it to dinner.)  This. is. ridiculous.  Can’t people just enjoy a nice meal without knowing what they want the next day?  Just because I ask you out, I’m not asking to marry you! Come. on.  I’m not oh-no-can’t-even-kiss-you-on-the-first-date type, but I would like to have a sober conversation first.  Alcohol and so called “equality”  destroyed something that should be fun.  (Women CAN’T separate emotions and sex as easily as men, if you think you can, SEE A COUNSELOR.  To the dudes, if you’re whoring around, good luck finding a truly fulfilling relationship with anyone, especially the girl you’re already in bed with.)

So not dating, definitely more boring, but definitely easier.

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