Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making generalizations about the opposite sex (or same, for my gay boyfriend).

One of the most common ways to deal with singleness is making sweeping generalizations about the opposite sex.  (Or same, whatever floats your boat.)  If you are in a relationship you may succumb to doing this as well, especially in the company of your friends, but it’s only half hearted.  A girl with a boyfriend who says “Men can’t communicate” still knows that there is some one out there who is choosing to communicate with her (at least enough to be in something posing as a relationship).  A single girl, however, believes such generalizations regardless of how illogical they really are.  Logically, I know that not all guys are incapable of communication, but I’ll say it anyway.  Because when you’re single, deep down there’s still a little fear that although you know there are exceptions to such generalizations, there may not be an exception for you.  

There is a double standard for making generalizations as well.  I like to boy-bash as much as the next girl, but as soon as one of my guy friends says all girls are emotional, I pounce on them (and not in a good way.)  The worst is when the-crush-of-the-day makes such statements and I just want to just up and down and say “Pick me!  I’m not like that!”  This happened on the reg in high school.  I guess the mature thing would have been to continue to prove this guy wrong through my actions, instead of saying unkind things and making myself out to be the last person he would want to date.  But considering my lack of brain development at age sixteen, I usually reminded him by saying all guys are the same: They suck.  And we all know that every guy in the world is the same and all their flaws are identical, just like every girl.

Years of dating experience (or lack there of) has only reinforced all of my seemingly incorrect beliefs about men.  They are not in touch with their emotions, do not know what they want, are afraid of commitment and refuse to communicate.  All of them. With the exception of one.  If I can find him.  Feel free to be the one to prove me wrong.

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