Friday, February 3, 2012

Not Buying Gifts.

I am terrible at buying people presents.  I know some people who are awesome at picking out gifts, but this is not my love language.  I always breathe a sigh of relief around Christmas, Valentine’s day, Easter, or other obscure holidays that might require purchasing a gift for a significant other.  Sometimes I do find the perfect present.  But I get too excited to save it for said person’s birthday, so I go ahead and give it to them. Then I have to get look for another gift before Christmas.  I crack under this type of pressure, or more frequently just get a really crappy gift.  

Receiving gifts, on the other hand, I love.  I will accept mixed tapes, jewelry, anything Harry Potter related, flowers and chocolate.  If you happen to give me my favorite flower on a first date, then it’s fate.  True story, this has happened.  But I do not function under the impression that guys should read my mind and know what I want all the time.  (Girls who function under this model of “communication” drive me nuts.)  So all flora will be welcomed warmly.

1 comment:

  1. i love both receiving and giving!! :D :D sometimes the latter more than the former although i do admit, it takes really knowing someone to get them something you know they'll appreciate.
