Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day.

It’s common knowledge that Valentine’s day is the BEST holiday when you are single. Before you question this logic, hear me out.  If you are in a relationship or going on a date on Valentine’s day, it is stressful.  You have to find a place to eat dinner.  You have to decide what to wear.  You have to get a gift, which entails trying to determine the stage of the relationship so you aren’t the one giving pearls to a girl who isn’t ready for them.  Then, when you’re actually out, you have to decide how to act in public.  Are you lovey dovey?  Are you the couple making fun of the other couples but secretly wanting to hold hands?  If you are in a new relationship, there’s figuring out what it means now that you’re out on Valentine’s.  You worry about saying too much, doing too much, or sometimes even worse, not doing enough.  No thank you.  Even if your date is successful, there’s this daunting feel of materialism and that you are expressing your affection because corporate America is telling you to do.  Love or Hallmark?  Who knows.  

On that note, I am not one of those people who is going to pretend to hate Valentine’s day when I’m in a relationship.  I did that once, I was a liar.  It’s actually really nice to get flowers.  I’m not turning those down.  And yes, it is nice to go out on Valentine’s day with a romantic interest.  But its also nice to go out with wonderful friends.  It takes a lot of energy being bitter and I have better things to do with my time.  Hating people’s happiness is too much work and probably not a way to attract a date anyway (unless you are the guy on 27 dresses).  Misery loves company, until the company quits calling you back.

If being single is bumming you out, rather than feeling sorry for yourself go do something.  Ask someone out, flirt with the coffee shop boy (I’m trying), break down and make an online dating account.  (No judgement, those people are actually dating, unlike this girl.)  Or just think about all those people out there you don’t want to date. That always comforts me, the list is pretty long.

And besides, nothing is better than eating chocolate, ice cream, and watching a movie with your besties on February 14th.  Or throwing an independence day party, because you need an excuse to dress up and mingle with other singles.  If you’re a guy, relish in the fact you don’t have to shower today and no one is going get mad at you for playing video games or wearing clothes that don’t match.  Celebrate this day of love by loving yourself and the friends that put up with your crap every day of the year.  My best Valentine’s Day did include a date (shocking, I know), flowers, and probably making fun of other couples, but was not complete without ice cream and a Disney movie with my bff at the end of the day.

And whatever your status may be, everyone wins February 15th.  Here’s to half off chocolate and the end of New Year’s resolutions to go to the gym.

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