Thursday, February 9, 2012

Old Crushes.

One of the most fun (and awkward) things ever is running into old crushes.  Running into these people always brings up the question “What if?”  When you’re single, rather than automatically writing them off because you’re totally happy with [insert name here] you actually consider the person again, even if you know you’re totally incompatible. Running into an old crush is like time traveling.  There’s always this time warp, where things that happened years ago (or didn’t happen but I wanted to) feel like they happened yesterday.  And I always re-evaluate the possibilites even though they just result in the same conclusions: He’s cute, but parties too much, he’s fun, but doesn’t have purpose or direction, he’s wonderful, but thinks she’s wonderful. (Now I can see my friends trying to figure who I’m talking about.  I’ll never tell.  Muahaha.)  

These run ins usually invoke a mixture of delight and disappointment.  Sometimes there’s progression and maturity in my relationship with these people, and some times Psycho Hannah comes to town.  For all men who have ever witnessed or experienced passive- aggressive jealous Hannah, I am truly sorry.  Just know it was out of Like and that for the most part she’s gone.  But old crushes do that to me; they bring out the best and worst.  They bring up good memories as well being reminders of things that didn’t work out.  But who knows?  One of these old crushes may turn into something new and exciting.  Mostly likely, however, they will just be another reminder of my awkward past self.  Just kidding, my awkward self is here to stay. 

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