Sunday, January 29, 2012

Being Sassy.

If you ask my friends three words to describe me they would probably say, “Wonderful, Charming, Best Person Ever.”  Just kidding.  They would probably say sassy, sassier, and sassiest.  I have a tendency to speak my mind and make sure everyone knows when I’ve entered the room.  Breaking news, I know.  Although I think I will be S4L (Sassy for Life), I do think my current relationship status plays into it.  Being single has become part of my identity, and being overly opinionated and slightly obnoxious about it goes along with that.  (Meek single girls don’t stay single for long.  But do make me want to throw up.)  My freshmen year of college, one of my bffs said my sass was a way to weed out the weak ones.  I like to think so.  It also serves as a defense mechanism to keep potential mates at arms length.  I don’t need you! I am strong!  

Let’s be real, everyone needs somebody.  It’s human nature.  For right now, the sass shield only goes down for close friends and family, the people who I trust not to take advantage of my vulnerabilities.  (Despite what you may think, my heart is not made of stone.)  And the sass shield will probably go down for SOS (someone sarcastic), but he’ll have to be willing to put his shield of sarcasm down too.

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