Thursday, March 1, 2012

Over. Analyzing. EVERYTHING.

I over analyze like it’s my job.  When I grow up, I hope it is my job.  My over analyzing is not limited to critiquing others, I am constantly over thinking my own life.  The perk of being single, is the over analyzing never ceases.  It’s like a game.  I have no clue what’s ever going on, and thinking of all the possibilities is how I pass the time.

If guys were more straight forward with how they felt, it would take all the fun out of it.  I wouldn’t have anything to second guess, or wonder about.  But alas, I have many questions unanswered.  

Like when you tell me you won’t hang out with our mutual friend one on one because you know she likes you, but hang out with just me all the time.  And let’s be real, you know I like you too.

Or when you text me after 10:00 p.m., I know you’re sober and you say you miss me.  It’s cool, we’re “just friends.”  That’s what I think too.  Most of the time.

Or when you act really sad “:(“  that I’m not going to a party, although I know there are probs 100 other girls there that would hook up with you.  Literally.

Or when you make a point to talk to my sister, ABOUT ME, instead of just calling.  You got my digits.  Use them.

Or when you tell me I’m pretty and interesting, but you don’t want a relationship because you’re broken.  Just kidding, I know what you wanted.  But even at the time, I tried to read into that too.

If guys just told me exactly what they were feeling, it would just be too easy.  And we wouldn’t want that.  If I knew what was going on, I would have to pick up a new hobby with all my extra energy and time.

Disclaimer:  I admit, I don’t always say or even know, what I want either.  I’m guilty of texting a guy “I miss hanging out” with purely platonic intentions.  But I’m also the girl who will ask a guy out.  And then avoid him if it goes poorly.  Or run away from someone she likes.  My feelings are always apparent to me, so I just assume they are apparent to every one else.  Guess I need to work on communication too.



  1. I like to think that because I have the guts to ask a guy out I automatically am successful at communicating. Isn't that how it works?

  2. oh my god i totally know how you feel. you have no idea. stay strong! the right guy will come along my dear :)
