Friday, March 16, 2012

Not Planning a Wedding.

This year, I am going to six weddings. (and counting!)  Yes, read that again.  I am single and am going to see six couples say “until death do us part.”  YIKES.  But I’m excited. Firstly, because I am happy my friends have found someone they will put up with forever and you know, are in love.  Secondly, because they aren’t mine.  Not because I never want to get married, but because I never want to plan a wedding.

Seeing the stress of my friends as they decide what table decorations to use at the reception, I have decided I don’t want one.  Hell, I’d be happy getting married in a barn if that meant I could just have my bridesmaids go barefoot and not have to worry about what shoes they have to buy.  

Okay that was like 50% a joke.  A barn would be nice only if it included twinkly lights in mason jars.  But for real though, spending the rest of my life with a wonderful someone sounds way more appealing than planning a reception.  So to all you betrothed, breathe.  You’re getting married.  At the end of the day, that’s what matters, not what kind of flowers you had or if your bridesmaid tripped down the aisle.  (Sorry in advance, Sara.)  

As a single lady, I may be a little envious that you found your forever and ever.  But having to pick out place settings, I am not.  My Grandmother’s old dishes will do just fine for another fifty years, right?

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