Monday, March 26, 2012

A Single Moment: Let Them Eat Cake.

For me, 2012 is not the end of the world, it is the year of weddings.  People keep telling me it’s just a phase of life, or something like that.  I recently went to a wedding with my post-college friends.  When we go places, we roll deep.  This event was no different.  The crew at this shindig consisted of two married couples, two eligible bachelors, and myself, the single lady.  Needless to say, we pretty much were the party.

Weddings are always an emotional roller coaster for me.  First there’s the question, “Where’s my prince charming?”  Then there’s the thought “Forever is a really. long. time.”  Then finally, “Whatever.  I just want to dance.”  And dance we did.  But of course, in typical DJ fashion, there were slow songs.  There was even a designated song for all married couples.  What am I supposed to do during that?  Luckily, the cake had just been cut.  So while everyone else was dancing with their loved ones, the bachelors and I ate wedding cake.  We didn’t wait for the couples.  Hashtag, sorrynotsorry.  I’m sure they had a great time dancing, but that didn’t keep one husband from bolting to the cake as soon as the song was over.  Glad I didn’t have to postpone my sugar intake.  Thank goodness I still have to figure out that whole finding a soulmate thing.     

So dear engaged friends, if you want to do a coupley or married song, do it.  Just cut the cake first. 

Hashtag, weddingwisdom.

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