Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Room for Squares and Heavier Things.

I am huge John Mayer fan.  I am not ashamed to say I am in possession of most his music, with the exception of his new album.  And although I enjoy his recent work, I have a particular nostalgic love for his first two albums, Room for Squares and Heavier Things.  It’s probably because I listen to these on repeat as a high schooler.  So now they remind me of a simpler time, that in the moment I thought was very complicated.  I think anything that gets you through your angsty teenager years continues to be a comfort, much like an old friend, in adulthood.

Since high school, sometimes I forget about dear John, probably because of musicians like Taylor Swift.  When I go back and listen to the stuff he wrote when he was more of a youngin’, it’s not that surprising that the two of them got together.  It’s also not surprising it didn’t last long.  You need at least one not-so-jaded person in a relationship.

If you’re still doubting John Mayer’s early artistic ability due to how much you hated ”Your Body is a Wonderland,” these are my top 5 relationship related songs off of his first two albums.  Give them a listen, in this order:

1. My Stupid Mouth, Room for Squares
2. Home Life, Heavier Things
3. Split Screen Sadness, Heavier Things
4. Love Song for No One, Room for Squares
5. Wheel, Heavier Things

Comfortable, from his debut EP Inside Wants Out is also wonderfully depressing love song, when you’re in the mood.

Try to tell me you didn’t just experience almost every emotion known to humankind.  If you do, I know you’re lying, or the tin man.

*Message and free advertising not endorsed by John Mayer.

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