Monday, May 14, 2012

The Facebook Newsfeed.

Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, it is easier to keep up with our friends than it has ever been before.  I know everything every one of my friends is doing, as long as they are willing to put it online.  Unfortunately, this also means I know everything about everyone I have ever met or come into contact with which includes anyone I’ve ever had a crush on. This includes good things, like attractive profile pictures, and where they are currently residing.  But it also enlightens me of unwanted information, like engagements.  Mark, I do not thank you, I blame you for this unnecessary knowledge in my life.  Rude.

I recently learned of such an engagement.  He was one of those crushes that just never worked out.  I wasn’t into him in high school, he wasn’t into me in college.  As I’ve mentioned before, timing is not (ever) in my favor.  And now he is GETTING MARRIED. What?!  I’m happy for you, but I would have been just as happy without this information.

A former flame getting engaged raises a lot of questions.  The most important and obvious one being, what if things had worked out between us?  Would I be the one getting married right now?  Let’s be real, probably not.  Things didn’t work out then, chances are they wouldn’t work out now.  So if you’re a single somebody and see that someone you used to be enamored with has found their happily ever after, remember this.  If you were still trying to make things work with that person, it would most likely be arguing ever after, and not so much happy.  Things didn’t work out for a reason, and lucky for you, you’ve already figured out what they were before it got serious, and then seriously awkward.

For now you can just hold on to the belief in karma and that one day, when you change your relationship status to “engaged”, there will be a soft thud as someone puts their head on their keyboard in disappointment at your happily ever after.

What comes around, goes around.  Or at least I tell this to myself so I can sleep at night.      
For the record:  Personally, I think it’s way worse when I find out a former crush is “in a relationship” rather than “engaged.”  At least when they are getting married, they are permanently off the market.  There’s no awaiting the day when the single status reappears. (Because if you wish that on a married person, that’s just wrong.)  If you find yourself in such a situation, do not look at the new girl/boyfriend’s profile.  

I feel qualified to give that advice, because I’m actually quite good at practicing what I preach.  If said crush is someone you still communicate with and doesn’t bother to mention the new person they’re dating, they’re probably not that significant.  So finding out every detail about this person and using energy comparing yourself to them isn’t really worth it.  Because in 3 months, when the  relationship ends, you don’t want to be stuck with a lot of knowledge about someone that was just passing through.

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