Thursday, May 24, 2012

Being Mysterious.

I am an enigma.  I’m really good at playing the game.  I have this really great mystique about me that keeps all the guys enamored and guessing what I’m going to do next. They’re constantly wondering what I think of them, and if they’ve passed the test.  No one ever really knows what I’m feeling, except for my besties of course.

FALSE.  I think it’s really obvious how I feel about someone.  But then I reflect upon my actions and realize I am the most confusing person ever.  Just because my emotions are apparent to me, doesn’t mean that they are to everyone else.  And just because I talk to a guy doesn’t mean he knows I’m interested.  Especially when I’m asking about his political views and religious beliefs, although I think this shows more genuine interest than giggling and twirling my hair a lot.

Unfortunately, any element of surprise in my actions is not due to any level of mystery, just my inability to communicate clearly.  As one of my good friends recently reminded me, running away expresses loathing and disdain for someone, not romantic interest.  Whoops.

So although being too forward can be intimidating for the other party and has proven to be disastrous in my previous experience, I maintain that those choices were better than the times I’ve bolted in the opposite direction.  Any air of mystery I seem to have retained is not a perk of being single, it’s a reason I’m still single.  In short, if I leave the room when you enter, there’s a 75% chance I think you're cute and actually want to talk to you.  Counter intuitive, I know.

And cut me some slack, at least I’m aware.  Admitting is the first step.

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