Friday, May 4, 2012

Having a Pet.

Is there anything more satisfying than the little sigh your dog makes when he’s settled down for a nap? Or that freaky look your cat gets in her eye when you swing the string in front of her face? No, there’s nothing better. One of my favorite perks of being single is that I can have a pet allllll to myself.

Sometimes, when you begin a relationship, one of the participating parties brings a pooch or kitty with them. Enter conflict and trauma. For the animal. Now who are they supposed to be loyal to? The smelly man-thing that has always thrown the ball for them, or this new female-thing that makes cooing baby sounds while rubbing their tummy? What about excitement level? Who am I supposed to wag harder for? Do I concentrate on earning new love and affection, or settle with just the old standby? Cats really don’t have these issues because they disdain all human beings, but you get my point.

Sharing pets is also like parenting. Does she coddle and spoil the hamster? Bad news, brat babies on the horizon! Or does he get mad when the puppy won’t leave him alone during the game? Warning, dude: your kids will be worse.

In place of all this strife, a single person has a pet all their own. Maybe it’s the old dog you took with you when you moved out of your parents split-level, maybe it’s a kitten you thought you couldn’t say no to (until it shredded your couch), or maybe it’s just the pet you plan on getting when you can finally afford it. Whoever your beloved animal companion is, they’re all yours. You put that pug in a cowgirl outfit if you want to. Sing Celine Dion to your cat. Make your fish follow your finger around the outside of the tank. Whatever, they’re stuck with just you. And you can name them whatever you want. Colin Firth the cat? Yes. Beethoven the Basset hound? Sure, do whatever you want because right now they’re your most significant other, and no one else gets a say. 

-Katie Lank

For the Record:  Personally I am not really a pet person.  (yeah, crazy I know.)  But if I had a choice, I would get a cat that acts like a dog.  It's possible.  I have friend who has a cat like this.  There are two great things about such a creature.  1. You don't have to walk it, because it's a cat.  2.  But it still loves you and wants to cuddle because it acts like a dog.  If I can't find one of these rare animals, I'll just adopt a kid if I'm still single at 35.  I'm just more of a kid person and one parent is better than none.  Try to argue with that logic, please.


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