Saturday, January 7, 2012


So I am sure there are tons of people out there in relationships who have blogs. But let’s be real about this, they can’t be THAT good.  Just imagine: if I had a boyfriend, I would put all my energy into having a great relationship and wouldn’t have time to write hilarious posts for the cyber world to enjoy.  And if I were in a relationship my life would not be as nearly as entertaining as it is now.  (Actually maybe more so.  Next Blog: Dating Dont’s.  Just need to date first....)  A relationship would only benefit one person, (him obviously, because he would be blessed with all of my humor and wit) whereas blogging benefits thousands of people all across the world.  (Okay, a few dozen of my Facebook friends and ten viewers in Russia.)  So enjoy this while it lasts people; there may come a time where I am spending my days with an actual person rather than pen and paper (or keyboard and blogger). 

1 comment:

  1. That might be true. But I'd like to think that even if I were in a relationship I'd still have time to blog. But since your blog is about the good things of the single life obviously it would change if you were in a relationship. But I think it would still be worth the read.
