Sunday, January 8, 2012

Being Indecisive.

It’s taken me a while to decide what to write for this one.  Probably because no one is giving me an ultimatum.  And honestly, I don’t really need to decide.  When you’re single, you can take as long as you want (well, except when paying the bills) to make decisions. If you don’t know what you want for dinner, it doesn’t matter, no one is depending on you for anything.  Lack of ability to make decisions may affect your friendships (you know who you are), but it’s not a deal breaker.  A significant other may leave you, let’s say, if you can’t decide what you want out of a relationship, but a friend shouldn’t. If so, I don’t think this person really just wants to be friends.  

It is also more socially acceptable to let your friends tell you what to do as opposed to a boyfriend or girlfriend.  For example, it is totally fine if your friend decides what you want for breakfast, but not so okay for a boyfriend to.  (Unless you live in the 1950s.  And even then it probably wasn’t okay.  Why do you think the women’s movement started?  No I don’t want pancakes, I want waffles you asshole.)  When you’re single, you can change your mind as much as you want.  The only timeline you run on is your own.  Want to live in the woods? Great.  Want to study in Paris? Awesome.  Want to go to graduate school in California?  Cool.  Want to farm in Italy? Do it.  Change your major five times? Doesn’t matter, no one is depending on you to “get a real job,” or “settle down,” (except your parents, but that’s en entirely different situation).  When you are single, you can live life in the moment, procrastinating on making decisions.  And when you do actual decide something, relish in the freedom of making decisions for yourself.

Disclaimer:  I’m not really indecisive.  I plan everything, and freak out when I change my mind.  It’s kind of a problem actually.  One of my friends, on the other hand, can not decide anything.  I’m trying to emulate her.  It’s working out so far.  I think; I’m not really sure.

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