Thursday, October 18, 2012

Ferris Wheels.

I had the pleasure of going to the North Carolina state fair last weekend with some of my favorite people in the entire world.  We ate fried food, rode something that spun, wish I hadn't eaten those fried Oreos, saw the biggest pumpkin in the universe (ok the state) and rode the Ferris Wheel.


The Ferris Wheel, presents MAJOR problems when you're single. 
1. Who am I going to sit with?  
2. How depressing is this going to be with out someone I can be disgustingly cute?
3. Are my cute couple-y friends going to make me more depressed?
(If the answer is yes, I usually force my way in between them so they have to pay me attention.  I know they love it when I do that.)

Fortunately for me, there were a number of us standing strong and riding solo.  I didn't have to worry about getting on a couple car by myself.  Also, we were at the fair during the day, which makes it 99% unromantic.  Sure the fair looks all pretty lit up at night, but not so much when you're just getting a better view of the classiest population in the South.

Plus, who knows what riding the Ferris Wheel solo will lead to.  Ryan Gosling may climb up and ask me out on a date.  If I was riding with my boyfriend, I'd have to decline.  Or dump my bf mid-ride, and that would just get awkward.

There is something about being high in the sky, even if at first the view seems bleak.
After I stop getting in my own way, all I can see is potential.

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