Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Coping Mechanisms.

Some girls make wedding boards on pinterest, here’s what I do to survive/enjoy my single status.

1. Chocolate.
2. Going to the Gym.  What can I say, I work out.
3. Ice Cream, preferably with chocolate.
4. Running away to the mountains.
5. Indie rom coms. top two: 500 days of summer. the art of getting by. the girls are crazy,
    the guys are precious.
6. Girls’ nights.
7. Chocolate.  
8. Becoming overly invested in a TV series.
9. My friends. Even if I die single, I won’t die alone.
10. Listening to the Avett Brothers. Tearing up every time Scott mentions his children.
11. Look at over the top engagement/wedding photos.  and be happy I’m using my         
      money for other things.
12. Listening to Dashboard (guilty throwback).
13. Trying to be spontaneous, despite how full my schedule is.
14. Halfway filling out every online dating account ever, and then not actually signing up.
15. Chocolate.
16. Unfiltered sarcasm.
17. Focusing on the positives. and making lists of them for the world to see.
18. Making unnecessary generalizations about the opposite sex I don’t actually believe.  
19. Making a list of places I might move to next.  Preferably, places where it’s abnormal 
      to be married at 24, and not the norm.
20. Praying to the gods of every religion that all this self reflection graduate school will 
      pay off.  I know it will, but right now it feels like waiting for caffeine to kick in.

21-infinity: Taylor Swift, all things British, and campfires.

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