Monday, September 10, 2012

One week soulmates: Christian teenager edition.

  As every good Christian teenager knows, the best time to find love is in the summer.   Specifically, this love is found on a mission trip or at summer camp.  In working with teenagers this past summer I got to witness these one week romances.  It brought me back to my younger days, where I would be totally convinced that someone and I were destined to be after 5 days of hanging out in a contrived setting.  One summer I had no less than three summer soulmates.  I knew we would be connected forever  because our experience was SO real.  But of course, nothing ever made it past august once we were back in school and he was more worried about being cool.

        But as a teenager is it great being single in the summer and getting to know a different side of who someone is.  I do believe that my summer soulmates really were good guys that wanted to talk about faith even though when we left they were more concerned about partying a dating a more socially acceptable person rather than the hanging out with the Preacher’s kid that made straight A’s.  My friends were also disappointed by many a one week romances who were so cute playing with impoverished children but folded to being “cool” during the other seasons of the year.

        Young people, do not let this discourage you.  Cherish these short lived flames, but take them for what they are.  I really do believe you see the best of someone away from all the pressures of peers and parents.  Enjoy your single status and get to know people and give them the benefit of the doubt.  But if you’re not single, consider yourself warned: leaving that loyal boyfriend of two years probably isn’t worth a crush that is 75% mountains, subtropical heat, or Jesus music.

        God knows what you did last summer. And chances are, your youth leaders do too. ;)

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