Thursday, September 27, 2012


I’m really great at break up conversations.  Like, a pro.  The “he’s just not into you” situation, been there, mastered that.  Whether I’m the dumper or the dumpee, I know how to speak civilly about feelings without anyone cursing or saying I hate you.  It’s almost unreal.  The only time I’ve cried during such convos is because I felt bad about breaking up with someone, not because I got dumped (emphasis on during, I’m not going to pretend like being rejected is easy).  It’s almost weird how caring these conversations are for two people who aren’t working out.  Maybe it’s because this is all I know.  If my life were a movie it would be a combination of When Harry friend-zoned Sally, 500 days of Hannah, and Nick and Nora’s Finite playlist.  My life is a rom com where people live happily after ever, respecting and appreciating the other party and the time they had together.  Really?  

That just means, the “I actually am interested in you” situations are the ones in which I’m socially inept.  Things working out?  I don’t know how to do that.  Give me a hottie that just wants to be my friend, I know how to overcome that rejection.  Someone that I’m not interested in?  I can respectfully decline.  Something that might actually work?  I may be really good at closing the door and locking it behind me, but jumping out of the window is a little more frightening.  What will happen if I fall?  Will closure still be there?  

Although Closure is a great thing to have, it is also comfortable.  And even if I fall, I’ll always have my friends to help me get back up.  That’s what ice cream, HIMYM, and Taylor Swift are for.  Doors may be closed but the window’s open, and someone sweatered just walked by.

I’ve got some jumping to do.    

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