Saturday, September 29, 2012

Everything I’ve learned about love, I've learned from Nicholas Sparks.

Due to my limited dating experience, I have to turn to trusted sources such as friends and romantic comedies to get a sense of what love is like.  Now that I’m no longer a preteen, I take Disney channel princess’s with a grain of salt and have had to turn to more reliable stories.  Nicholas Sparks is as close to reality as you can get.  Everything I've learned about love and life, I've learned from him.  Here are just the top ten.

1. First kisses always happen in the rain.  Or a shower, if weather isn't permitting.
2. Everyone has a secret musical talent.
3. Emotionally tortured guys make the BEST boyfriends.
4. If you tell someone not to fall in love with you, they’ll fall in love with you.
5. It is only possible to find romance near a body of water.
6. Letters are a great way to communicate, unless your mother is involved.
7. There’s no point in looking for love during adulthood, because it won’t live up to when you were in high school.
8. It’s not a love story unless someone dies.
9. Lying down in the road is not a safety hazard, it’s precious.
10. It’s totally reasonable to expect a guy to walk hundreds of miles, build a house, or transfer colleges just to win my affection.

For the record:  I haven’t actually read any Nicholas Sparks, however, I have seen the movies. I’m not really into having delusions and unrealistic expectations in relationships, but I can’t say no to Ryan.  Hey boy, I see you in a love story that would never actually happen.  Ever.  I’ll fall in love with you even if you don’t build me a house.  Some call it low standards, I call it reality.