Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Making Excuses.

There are lots of reasons I’m single.  And obviously, none of them have to do with negative qualities I may have, because I don’t have any. (Pride is a positive quality right?) If you’ve been single for any long period of time (say more than a week), you know what I’m talking about.  There have to be reasons people aren’t lining up at the door to ask me out.  Actually changing to make myself more relationship ready is hard work, but I’m a pro at making excuses for my single state.  Here are some of the reasons this chick is still unattached.

1. I don’t have time for a relationship.
2. There are no guys in this town.
3. I’m too intimidating.
4. I’m too picky.
5. I’m too smart.
6. My maturity is just at a higher level.
7. Guys are too afraid to ask me out.
8. I’m not into the hook up culture. (But really.)
9. Everyone I’m interested in still has to grow up.  (But seriously. I go for younger guys 99.9% of the time.  Which has failed 100% percent of the time, and it can’t be due to my poor timing.)
10. I like being single.

I read “He’s just not into you,” I just don’t buy that one man can speak on behalf of all of them.  Fellas, can I get an Amen?   

Disclaimer:  I’m actually fairly self aware.  I am well aware I’m stubborn, horrible with timing, and can be a little too upfront sometimes.  I’m working on it, but nobody’s perfect. And I don’t expect Mr. Right to be either.  Mr. Usually Right is the guy for me.

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