Thursday, April 19, 2012

Grocery Shopping.

I hate grocery shopping.  I’m not really sure why because I love eating.  But I don’t really like cooking and don’t like making decisions.  I just want my food to magically appear in front of me.  (Perks of living at home.)  I really need my future significant other to be domestic.  I’m not opposed to cooking with him, I just need guidance.  I’m really good at chopping vegetables.  So when it comes to the fresh fruits and veggies department, I’ve got us covered.

I think part of the reason I hate grocery shopping is it is so hard to shop for one.  Food isn’t really packaged in servings for people eating alone.  But the plus of single shopping is I don’t have to plan any real meals.  If I want cereal, pepperonis, and green beans for any meal of the day, I can.  And I will.  No one is there to tell me what I’m eating is unhealthy or weird.  I plan to find someone who is as lax about food choices as I am.

Until then, I will continue to enjoy eating my mass quantities of cheese in peace.

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