Thursday, January 31, 2013

Boy(girl)friend Substitutes.

I've always had a lot of close guy friends.  I also have rarely been dating someone.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  See, when you're single, you find lots of ways to fill the emotional voids that would be filled by a significant other.  Usually this comes in the form of besties.

And even in a purely platonic relationship, things get DRAMATIC.  Any guy who is close with a girl knows this.  We fight over our guy friends like we would boyfriends, even when we have no attraction to them whatsoever.  Whatever jealousy we would spend on a boyfriend, gets unleashed about a friend we would never actually date.  Back in the day of Myspace, I remember quite a few biting words about girls that made it to my bffl's top ten, replacing me.  Rude.  I've known him for a whole 5 minutes longer.  Girl, please.  This pattern followed me to college.  One year my bff got another redheaded friend. Um excuse me?  I was here first!  And you're a freshmen.  Gross.  Lucky for me, that relationship didn't work out.  And no, suspicious audience, I did not sabotage it.  She did that to herself.  Now she's fondly known as the-redhead-who-must-not-be-named.

And don't think for a second that guys don't do the same thing.  They care who their female friends like the most.  That's why one of my friends moped when I was clearly telling my other friends more secrets than him.  Or when two of my guy friends would always remind me that they knew they were my favorite.  Who is?  It's been 5 years, and I'll never tell.  I have take that one to the grave, or risk watching an ugly skinny white guy fight. 

People want someone to care about and someone to care about them, and sometimes even more so when they are unattached.  If we can't hold on to a friend, how will we be able to hold on to a romance?  So when we feel a relationship threatened we shoot nasty bitch stares or puff up our chests to claim our territory.  It's okay to make our friends choose, even though we would be pissed if they were to put us through the same agony.  And don't even get me started when one party actually find a romantic relationship.  That just ups the alpha in all of us.

I see you girl.  And I'll take you down for platonic friend (insert name here).  Unless I get a boyfriend, then I'll be too busy worrying about him to care anymore.

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