Friday, November 30, 2012

Signs that I like you.

I always think it’s blatantly obvious when I’m interested in someone, but my friends have to remind me sometimes this just isn’t so.  I think I wear my heart on my sleeve, not true.  (Although I always wear sass on my face, I tend to leave the heart at home.)  I’m probably giving off way more mixed signals than I intend, so here’s my attempt to clear that up.

1. I don’t want to hang out with you.  I’m SUPER awkward.  You know those scenes in television shows where the guy sees the cute girl and forgets his name?  I do that, on the reg.  I’ve darted the other way or ended seemingly normal conversations with attractive males.  Flight or fight kicks in and I flee.  So if you think I’m avoiding you, I’m probably actually into you.  Backwards, I know.
2. I want to hang out with you. Duh.  Who likes someone they don’t want to be around?

3. I’m not flirting with you.  Despite how much fun I am, I can be a serious person.  My favorite topics of conversation involve religion, politics, and solving the world’s problems.  If it feels like I’m trying to figure out your soul at a bar, it means I might actually be interested in you.  Extended superficial conversations bore me, and don’t really give me a good sense of who a person is.  If I’m boring you by asking your thoughts on marriage equality, it’s good to know that sooner than later.

4. I am flirting with you.  I’m bad at playing games and the social norms for mating.  Really, I would much rather just be direct.  But occasionally I abide by the rules and get my flirt on.  Usually this happens if you have passed the above stage of me not flirting with you, and I have deemed you a worthy person of extra attention.  Or maybe I’m just taking a five minute break from over analyzing people for a change.

5. You’re poor at communicating.  Weak. ness.  The harder you are to get to know, the more I want to know you.  If there’s no way in hell I know what you’re thinking, I probably want to date you.  Or at least have you like me enough to tell me all your secrets.

6. You’re good at communicating.  If we can talk about everything (and we agree on 99%), I might like you.  When I get tired of forcing guys to tell me how they feel, I go for someone who will actually tell me what’s going on.  It plays into my desire to be direct and talk about feelings.  If you don’t fall into those categories, don’t fret, you might still have a chance.  See #5.  

7. You like the same bizarre crap I do.  Some may call me adorkable, some may call me a hipster, I just call it weird.  I like random music and movies, books and foods.  And when I really like something, it becomes very core to my identity.  So when I find someone who is as obsessed with _____________ as I am, I get really excited.  And yeah I know, mutual interests aren’t everything.  Just because we both love flannel/summer/campfires, it doesn’t mean you’re my soul mate.  But it didn’t stop Tom, and it probably won’t stop me from crushing either.

8. We have nothing in common. Just kidding.

If that doesn’t clear up my thought processes, I don’t know what will.

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