Thursday, November 15, 2012

Reasons I'm moving to a big city.

1. I don’t like driving.  It’s not like I hate it, I would just rather be able to ride public transportation.  That way I can use my time in a more productive way, like reading, daydreaming or doing Sudoko instead of having to pay attention to the road and search for parking.  Plus, buying gas is just depressing.

2. I’m extroverted.  Like really, the most extroverted person I know.  I love people, even when I don’t like them that much.  And yes, it is still possible to feel alone in a city full of people, but it’s still better for my sanity than when there’s not a human in sight.  (Exception to the rule: backpacking, given that I can find my trail buddy by nightfall.)

3. I’m progressive.  I have lived on oceanfront property on the the Red Sea, with the exception of my college home at the Lake of Carolina Blue. If I hear one more oppressive thing, from anyone, I’m going to lose it.  Quote the bible much?  I’ve got some verses to throw back at you too.       

4. Ethnic food.  I’ll try any (food) once.  Seriously, try me.  And as much as I love barbeque and sweet tea, there’s only so much you can eat without ensuring an early death.

5. It’s more socially acceptable to be single.  Sorry North Carolina, I’m just not going to meet the average marriage age of 25 for women.  The girl:guy ratio has not been in my favor the past decade.  Plus, I’ve been more focused on my MA than my MRS.  And being a BFD. 

                                                   Big Ben, Big Possibilities.