Tuesday, October 15, 2013

In the Beginning....

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Girls 1:1 In the beginning girls created worry and rumination.

1:2 On the second day we created denial, and pretending we don't care what guys think.

1: 3 On the third day we created the need to ask a bunch of questions.

1: 4 On the fourth day we created our friends so that we could ask someone else a bunch of questions about our relationship.

1: 5 On the fifth day, our girlfriends told us to STFU.  And CTFD.  (calm the expletive down)

1:6 On the sixth day we dropped a lot of subtle hints that we want to know how you feel, and then got mad at you because you couldn't read our mind.  7: This resulted in an argument that lasted way longer than it should have.  Meaning it happened at all.  8: Being direct could prevent many of these instances.

1:9 On the seventh day we rested.  And then woke up and asked you what our dreams meant.

This is only a slight exaggeration of my train of thought some days.  My need not to mess anything up and figure out life TODAY, sometimes over takes my brain.  Am I talking too much?  Am I talking too little? (considering 99% of the time I date introverts, it's never too little)  Will he judge my taste in music?  (If I start with Vampire Weekend, 75% yes.  If I admit my love of the new Ke$ha song, 100% guarantee)  Will he support my need to talk about things? (Required)  Can I save somethings for tomorrow?  (Working on it) How will he handle my obsessions with Harry Potter, Avett, UNC, and the mountains?  (it's a package deal)

The nice thing about the beginning is, it's only the beginning.  And just as there was time for Dinosaurs, Pangea, and the Ice Age, there is plenty of time in relationships too.  There will always be time for questions and finding answers.  And there is nothing like having someone to rest with (and putting the worrying to rest) today.

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