Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Underrated Characters.

I recently watched 500 days of summer. again.  I had had a roller coaster of a week and I needed to recommit the film to memory.  I was feeling particularly Tom-ish at the time, and thought that I would resonate with his heartbreak due to my current circumstances.  Wrong.  I wasn't Team Tom, but I wasn't Team Summer either.  I was Team Truth Teller.

Remember when Tom tries to go on a date and then tells her nothing's going to happen? He's an idiot.  She is definitely the best character in the whole movie.  Other than Tom's sister, she's the only one in the movie who calls Bull Shit.

In case you don't remember her geunius insight and wisdom, here is a refresher:

Tom is saying Summer is a Robot or an Evil person.

Girl: Did she ever cheat on you?

Tom: No.

Girl: Did she ever take advantage of you in any way?

Tom: Umm no.

Girl: And she told you up front that she didn't want a boyfriend?

Tom pauses, then changes subject.

Most of us have these people in our lives.  Sometimes it's a sassy red head stating the obvious
(a role I tend to play even when my friends don't want me to), sometimes it's a sassy gay friend questioning your life choices, while other times it's just a patient friend reminding you of all of the people in your life that won't underrate you.  I know there are things my friends have been able to see all along, while I was blinded by false hope.  And I've been there for my friends when the rose colored glasses have finally come off.  Thank these people in you life.  Whether it's a long time friend or just someone passing through, these people challenge us to be real, and to actually spend time in good relationships rather than letting the destructive ones drag on.  It often just takes us a while to realize they aren't just being assholes when we are upset and that their honesty comes from compassion even if it is fueled by frustration. So if you miss your chance to thank them, and you realize later that they were right, thank the universe for their existence.

Thanks universe for my friends.

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